The California Computer Science Access Report
This report examines computer science education in California—who has access, who participates, and where equity gaps by race, gender, income, and geography continue to persist.
This report examines computer science education in California—who has access, who participates, and where equity gaps by race, gender, income, and geography continue to persist.
For District Leaders, Principals, Teachers, and CS Advocates interested in increasing CS opportunities for all students. This guide, developed by administrators across the state of California, is intended to inform education leaders about how to bring equitable CS into their schools.
When computer science “counts” it is recognized as foundational learning, and will be prioritized and supported as a core academic subject. Download our brief on the many ways that computer science counts in California, and can be integrated into other subjects.
At the 2024 STEAM Symposium and CABE conference, CSforCA leaders Paula Nazario and Roxana Hadad presented on the importance of family engagement in CS education.
CSforCA presented at the ECEP Connect Virtual Summit, a convening hosted by the Expanding Computing Education Pathways Alliance where state teams, like CSforCA, have an opportunity to engage with ECEP’s model for state change and leverage its resources and network of state and national leaders to broaden participation in computing. Roxana Hadad gave an insightful talk about Equity Unveiled: A Journey Through the Development of California’s and Nevada’s CS Equity Guides.
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The California Department of Education awarded a $5 million Educator Workforce Grant (EWIG) in computer science (CS) to CSforCA to expand the Summer of CS professional learning pilot into a more robust Seasons of CS professional learning program.
In June 2021, Kapor Center released the CRCS Framework, developed in partnership with a national collective of education advocates to create more pathways for Black, Latinx, Native American, and other marginalized students to computer science education, tech careers, and STEM-related fields.
AIforCA situates Artificial Intelligence within California's K-12 CS standards. Check out resources and upcoming events for integrating AI ethics and artifacts across disciplines at
Computer Science provides learners a clear picture of how our complex society functions with technology. Read this brief to find out how and why CS can be integrated with other subjects in school.
When computer science “counts” it is recognized as foundational learning, and will be prioritized and supported as a core academic subject. Download our brief on the many ways that computer science counts in California, and can be integrated into other subjects.
Discerning between who can and can’t teach computer science in California is confusing. This infographic delves into who can teach computer science, and what the varying credentials enable teachers to do.