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One Decade of Advancing Computer Science in California: A Timeline of CSforCA's History and Achievements

November 8, 2021
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For close to a decade, Computer Science for California (CSforCA) has worked to ensure equity and access to high-quality teaching and learning opportunities in computer science (CS) for all students in California. Below is a timeline of some of CSforCA’s accomplishments.

2012 - Coalition is Formed

The Alliance for California Computing Education for Students and Schools, also known as ACCESS, was formed to advocate for state policies that would support local implementation of CS education across California.

2014 - CS to Satisfy Math Requirements

Legislation was passed that allowed CS to satisfy mathematics subject area requirements for admission eligibility to California State University and University of California, making more students likely to take CS classes in high school.

2016 - Teachers Prepared to Teach CS

The updated Computer Science Supplementary Authorization replaced the Computer Concepts and Applications supplementary authorization, allowing single subject credentialed teachers in other disciplines to pursue CS authorization with required coursework.

2017 - ACCESS evolves into CSforCA

Then-Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom announced the launch of the CSforCA campaign and multi-stakeholder coalition, building on ACCESS as its backbone organization.

2018 - Computer Science Content Standards Development

Computer Science Standards were drafted with community input and adopted by the State Board of Education.

2019 - Computer Science Strategic Implementation Plan

The Governor and Superintendent of Public Instruction appointed an advisory panel to develop a Computer Science Strategic Implementation Plan later adopted by the State Board of Education and the Legislature.

Computer Science is approved to count as a science, (or math or general elective) satisfying college eligibility requirements for UC/CSU.

In partnership with the Sacramento County Office of Education, CSforCA launched the Summer of CS week of professional learning for teachers, administrators, and counselors.

2020 - Building Capacity to Scale and Sustain Equitable CS

The shift to virtual learning during COVID-19 made the Summer of CS model replicable in county offices of education across the state, expanding the reach of the CS Equity Dashboard and the CS Equity Guide and Workshop for educators.

2021 - Multistakeholder Coalition to Advance Equity in CS

Governor Newsom's state budget allocation of $20 million previously diverted to COVID-19 relief was reinstated to include $5 million for the Educator Workforce Investment Grant, $15 million for CS teacher supplementary authorizations and funding for a statewide CS coordinator.

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