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CS Spotlight: Fern Alcazar

February 6, 2025
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Fernando Alcazar, also known as Fern, is a recent graduate from UCSC Baskin School of Engineering who studied computer science and game design. Growing up in the rural community of Waterford, he knows the importance of equitable access to CS education.

When did your CS journey first start? What first piqued your interest?

Fern Alcazar: I've dreamed of making video games since I was little. My mother's favorite story is when she was pregnant with little Fern, she would sit in her recliner in her room, my pops would come in late from work from the ranch, and he would come into the room and turn on the Nintendo 64. Allegedly, when the system would boot up and the galloping of the horse from Zelda would be heard from the TV, apparently little baby Fern would start kicking. It's a story I love to tell because it goes to show how strongly my parents work to keep the dreams of their kids alive. From kicking in my mom’s belly to Zelda to now graduating with a degree in video games; it’s inspirational when immigrant parents work so hard to not only keep the family alive, but also the dreams of the family alive too. So that’s where my CS journey started, with family.

Okay, so we started with a dream that's now becoming reality. Were there any obstacles along the way? If there were, how did you overcome them?

Fern Alcazar: I definitely faced a lot of obstacles, and will say I was able to overcome them because of one, my family, and two, my positive attitude. Some of the bigger obstacles I faced when pursuing a college degree and CS were some of the emotional baggage I carry as a first generation son of a rancher as well as geographical determinism being from a small, rural town in California. We never had solid computer science opportunities, but we did have a class called Engineer Your World which exposed me to a tiny piece of the world of CS in highschool. Deciding to pursue CS felt at times like a decision between family or Silicon Valley. It wasn’t until later that I realized I can pursue my dreams and in doing so stay connected to my family and my cultural values through the stories I tell when creating video games.

Were there any people who were particularly influential in fostering your passion for CS?

Fern Alcazar: There were a few outstanding teachers that were in my corner and it made all the difference. Having them tell me I can do it, that I should get out there and chase down this dream. Having someone believe in you like that is everything. Some extraordinary faculty, as well as a great web of friends, kept me going through the transition out of Waterford.

What advice would you give to someone who is interested in CS, but maybe doesn’t know where to start?

Fern Alcazar: I actually was a mentor to freshmen through the Basking Engineering Excellence Scholars (BEES) program during my junior year at UCSC. They were my BEES and I fell in love with them, because I saw so much of myself in their struggles and their passions. Not only would I teach them CS, but we’d go to dinners around the UCSC community, have movie nights, and generally be there for each other through this difficult transition from high school to college. I still receive phone calls from my BEES to this day. The advice I’d give now to anyone hoping to start their CS journey is to just breathe. It’s something I tell myself all the time, but something so simple can have a huge impact on what we do. You’ve got to just get out there and go for it, but remember to breathe along the way and that everything will work out how it’s supposed to.

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